
54 floor cushions with a 3-channel audio installation

The exhibit with the title „A car dealer in the park (Ein Autohaus im Park)” consists of a floor sculpture
„olkswagen” is embedded into 54 squares which are cushioned with bed linen. If a visitor steps on „o”, „a” or „e”, a voice starts filling the room, so in the case of „e”:
eed, eep, efender, efense, égane, eicento, elerio, elica, emera, enault, enga, entley, ente, eon, epee, eramont, ercedes enz, errari, eriva erso, esla, etec, eti, etta, etz...
and in the case of „o”:
ocus, odel odgy, odiaq, oe, ogue, okka, okker, oleos, olf, olo, olt, olvo, ombo, ompass, ompressor, onda, ondeo, onnect, onza...

If all three vowels are stepped on at the same time, all recordings can be heard simultaneously.

2 speakers
Computer (one player)
Wooden panels
Foam rubber
Plastic film
Bed linen

November 15th – December 3rd, 2017
Parkhaus im Malkastenpark, Düsseldorf

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