Guests from All Directions – Welcome with a Smile

8-channel video installation for the „Galaxy Museum of Contemporary Art” in Chongqing, China

When translated word by word the signs


mean „Guests from All Directions – Welcome with a Smile”

In Chinese one thinks of „all directions” as 8 directions.
This metaphor is the starting point for an 8-channel video installation. Transparent screens form an octagon that shows a former 4-line bridge broken off in the North.
In a certain distance a figure appears with the back towards the camera and starts to stage a dance of about two minutes imitating the six Chinese letters above. The figure first shows up in the North, disappears and reappears in the North-West, West, South-West etc. In the East she joins a man who talks on the phone.
16 loudspeakers render the hum of a large construction site which is superimposed by as many sounds.

8 projectors
8 media players
HDV, 19.10 min, colour
8 x stereo sound
Chinese paper



Catalogue (PDF, Chinese/English)

Related Performances and Installations

* Guests from All Directions – Welcome with a Smile! (2013) *

* Guests from All Directions – Welcome with a Smile! (2014) *

14' 15'' – 1-channel theatrical version

* 14' 15", 3 figures, 2 takes, some cross-fades, Chinese, German, construction tools and air horns [2015] (2017) *

* 14' 15", 3 figures, 2 takes, some cross-fades, Chinese, German, construction tools and air horns [2015] (2019) *

* 14' 15", 3 figures, 2 takes, some cross-fades, Chinese, German, construction tools and air horns [2015] (2020) *

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