S letter

Works on paper, movable neon installation and performance on a balcony of Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

32 signs, ELEKTRO EISENBAHNEN WAFFEN MUNITION, are the basis for 987 anagrams in German, on the one hand 987 collages, cut out letters of the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine, glued on endless paper, and on the other hand a neon lettering that is exchanged once a week by the artist.

987 collages à 30,5 cm x 24 cm
Neon installation: 32 neon systems profile 1
480 m high voltage cable
3 transformers à 5,000, 8,000 and 10,000 volt
1 m x 15 m x 0.5 m
10-day performance

* Exhibition


Light installation for the space with light from the side at Kunsthalle Düsseldorf

The letters of the former neon advertisement STERN – VERLAG have been interchanged and are hanging from the ceiling, attached to four ropes.

Aluminium, steel, plexi, former neons exchanged to LEDs
0.5 m x 7.2 m x 0.2 m


6-channel interactive sound installation
in cooperation with Samuel Samantha Pfeiffer and Oskar Lindström

The signs STERN – VERLAG are the basis for anagrams in Swedish. When a visitor passes by, a female voice articulates these anagrams in Swedish followed by their German translation:

SLARVREGENT   Schlampiger Herrscher
SLARVERN TEG   Der Bursche schweiget
STENVARG LER   Steinwolf lächelt
SVART ELREG   Schwarzer Stromregen
TRE SVALG NER   Drei Rachen abwärts

Electronic system with 3 sensors

On Thursdays short Conversations on the Hour

Sign: paper, aluminium, steel

In the exhibition d – polytop / February - April 2019
Kunsthalle Düsseldorf


* Film *

Archive Catalogue Press (German)


Related Performances and Installations

* S letter / Self-Censorship (2016) *

* S letter 848: neounwesen befehlen antiinformatik (2018) *

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