Case de Sandales

Installation for the Super Mbalit Festival – Turn Waste into Wonder on the beach of Yarakh, Dakar, Senegal
in collaboration with environmental activist Modou Fall [L'homme plastique] and jewellery designer Papa Gora Kane [Goart]

Inspired by the architectural ruins of Dakar, four pillars made from discarded flip-flops, plastic tubing and construction steel together with a roof made of rice sacks form a beach hut.

6- & 12-mm round steel, mounting iron
Electric hose
Empty rice sacks

2m x 1m x 1m

Super Mbalit Festival Turn Waste into Wonder
In the Off Programme of the Dakar Biennial
Close to the house of Samba Gueye (Salon de coiffure)
On the beach of Yarakh, Dakar, Senegal
May 24 - 29th, 2022


* Film *


Related Performances and Installations

* Change the sketch! (Ändern Sie die Skizze!) [Kismodoti-Sketu] – Das Esszimmer, Bonn (2022) *

* Case de Sandales – Volksgarten, Düsseldorf (2023) *

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